How It Works

No platform delivers more simple, straightforward data insights. Review real-time data in seconds as you navigate our intuitive interface.


Rapid Device Authentication

Effortlessly add a participant’s health wearable to CDConnect in just a few seconds. Our streamlined process is designed for both on-site and remote setups, enabling seamless synchronization with multiple devices, making your experience hassle-free.

To conduct decentralized clinical trials, all you need to do is send an authorization request to the participant. Once they have given their consent, you can automatically begin receiving a continuous stream of data. This efficient approach saves valuable time and minimizes the need for site visits, thereby substantially reducing clinical research costs.

Customizable Dashboard

Experience complete flexibility with our customizable dashboards and screens, designed to accommodate your requirements. Whether you require a comprehensive trial overview or a more detailed data analysis, simply select the columns you prefer, add new participants, or click on the metric you’d like to review.

Our trial overview ensures that all relevant information is readily accessible, never more than two clicks away, streamlining your data management and enhancing your research experience.

CDConnect Dashboard

At-a-Glance Data Insights

Our user-friendly interface gives instant, real-time insights into your participants’ health metrics. Researchers can easily track participant data, monitor trends, and make well-informed decisions based on up-to-date information.

The Participant Overview screen presents a comprehensive snapshot of each participant’s recent health history. Data collected from health wearables is visualized in graphs, with seven-day averages calculated and displayed for your convenience. Delve deeper into individual metrics to identify anomalies and patterns.

Experience the freedom to rapidly adjust your trial protocol, even in decentralized clinical studies, with the support of our robust platform.

Fitbit Participants Comparison Sleep Duration
Fitbit Participants Comparison Sleep Duration

Comprehensive Data Collection

CDConnect gathers and displays real-time data from all synced devices, including battery life, offering versatile viewing options. Choose between the Participant Overview for snapshot insights or explore individual metrics, such as Activities, Heart Rate or Sleep Data.

Clinical researchers and data analysts can customize their view by selecting the desired metric, data aspect, and timescale to identify anomalies or short- and long-term trends. Smoothly switch between a long-term perspective or focus on a specific data point to instantly visualize the results from that week.

For more comprehensive data analysis, download any dataset as a .csv file, allowing seamless import into your preferred statistical software.

Fitbit Single Day Active Minutes
Fitbit One Day Active Minutes 1763x815 07 01 2023

Compare Participants

Readily compare the performance of one participant against others using our intuitive Dashboard. Select the participant(s) and compare any metric across any desired timescale. Identifying trends or spotting anomalies among participants has never been more straightforward. Obtain crucial data insights in just seconds with CDConnect.

Multiple participants sleep duration comparison

100% Confidential

We use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to store data and run our service. Through AWS, we maintain the highest data privacy and control standards, fully compliant with all relevant data regulations. In addition, blinding and confidentiality can be maintained by using a participant ID and creating dummy email addresses for the participant to use for trial correspondence.

What Could You Do with CDConnect?

Not sure how to use CDConnect? Here are some ideas about how to put the platform to work.

Decentralized Clinical Trials


Deliver devices to participants and authorize data collection remotely. Unlock new possibilities in clinical research by reducing site visits and slashing unnecessary expenditures – conduct your trials more efficiently and cost-effectively than ever.

Randomized Control Trials


Monitor numerous participants during an RCT to improve participant safety, more readily identify adverse reactions, and perform a more comprehensive analysis following the administration of the intervention.

Longitudinal Studies

Longitudinal studies require repeated observations of the same variable over long periods. Reduce the hassle with continuous data monitoring from wearable devices. Using our system, graph and analyze long-term trends with ease.

We would love to hear from you.

CDConnect is researcher-led! We are dedicated to constantly improving our system and expanding our range of compatible devices. We value your input and would love to hear your suggestions on what you would like to see next (and why). By working together, we can enhance your clinical research capabilities. Send us a message today to let us know your thoughts!

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